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Ls 11. Modal Verb Phrases

Lesson 11. Modal Verb Phrases

The verb phrases are a little unusual and sometimes hard to use:

Idiomatic ModelExample
(be) going to
(similar to "will")
They're going to do some work in their garden.
Main verb is in the simple form
S + (be) going to ___
(be) able to
(similar to can)
A penguin is a bird that is also able to swim, but it's unable to fly.
Main verb is in the simple form
S + (be) + able to ___
Negative: (be) + not + able to
or ...(be) + unable
am not / isn't / aren't / able to
have to
(similar to "must")
She has to clean the bathroom. She also has to do some other chores around the house.
Main verb is in the simple form
S + has or have to ___
Negative: don't / doesn't have to
Notice the negative requires the verb "do"